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  • David Idzi

Anybody else tired of Winter?

If you, like me, don't live in immediate proximity to Lake Ontario and its tributaries, Old Man Winter can seem interminable. Living in North Carolina as I do now, the idea of a suicide run to the Salmon River is a novel yet unlikely scenario, especially when considering the uncertain nature of the weather along the shoreline of the lake. That means I'm left watching YouTube, researching equipment, and planning for Spring, Summer and Fall adventures in anticipation of warmer weather. To that end, it looks like the next iteration of Dirty Oar Adventures is beginning to take shape.

Over the next month or so, the Captain and I expect to purchase a boat to outfit with equipment to take advantage of the excellent fishing on Lake Ontario. I also hope to identify and purchase a home along Lake Ontario to serve as a HQ for DOA, as well as providing an opportunity to initiate my son into our family of fishermen not unlike myself at his age. Having grown up on the lake, I can only hope he finds the joy and excitement I did when I was a child. That joy has never left me, writing and reminiscing about it really gets the blood flowing, and I hope to instill that sense in him as a life long passion. Because that's what we are: passionate about fishing and helping others catch fish.

Next weekend, weather permitting, we'll be back on the Salmon River or another of the local tributaries. If you see us don't hesitate to say hello! If not there, then we'll be ice fishing on one of the many lakes local to home. Be on the look out for a detailed report of the fishing, how we did, how we did it, and where we were. I have to tell myself this is just the beginning, but it's getting harder and harder to contain my growing excitement! Until then I'll have to content myself with YouTube and equipment research!

Tight Lines!


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