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  • David Idzi

Dirty Oar Adventures is open for business!

Dirty Oar Adventures is now a fully operational guide service available immediately for drift boat and walking bank trips on the Salmon River and other local tributaries of Lake Ontario. Jimmy Brown is our guide and he brings 40 years of fishing experience and expertise with him on every trip.  When we were brainstorming on what we wanted Dirty Oar Adventures to be a couple of years ago we came across a recurrent theme: fishing should be fun. Fishing is never a guarantee, but I assure you fun will be had when fishing with Dirty Oar Adventures.  

This Fall and Winter we have had the opportunity to connect with several fishermen while we were fishing the Salmon River and it became apparent that  there is a great variety of skill levels, fishing techniques and motivations for each fisherman we spoke with. Steelhead have the reputation of being a “fish of 1000 casts”, and while some days that may seem true, most of those efforts could and would be more successful with minor tweaks to presentation, water identification, bait selection and simple effort.  Do yourself a favor, don’t waste your time and money learning the hard way, rather book a trip with us and we can teach you how, when and where to catch trophy fish and minimize the learning curve to the point where you can begin doing these things yourself!

Our goal is for you to catch fish and have fun, but to also offer the opportunity to learn what we are doing so you can begin to do these things for yourself.  That said, if you want to go on a boat ride and catch fish and not worry about how the fish are being caught we can surely accommodate you. But, for those hardcore fishermen who want to dig in, learn techniques, and become capable of catching Steelhead and Salmon on their own, we’ll show you everything you need to know to get started. We’ll also be available through our website,, social media (Dirty Oar Adventures on Facebook and @dirty_oar_adventures on Instagram), and here in our blog with tips and techniques to help you catch fish when you can’t fish with us.

 Make life a little more simple, if your struggling to learn how to fish the tremendous Lake Ontario fishery please contact us directly.  We’ll get you on the calendar, put you on the fish, teach you a few things if you want to learn, and most importantly make fishing fun again!

Tight lines to all!


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