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  • David Idzi

These 3 Guys

These 3 guys. They are the future of Dirty Oar Adventures. The 2 on the left, the captain and I, are pioneering an idea that was spawned last Fall (pun definitely intended). We bought the drift boat and had an incredible Fall fishing season. The Captain came up with the name "The Dirty Oar" for the boat and that planted a seed in our minds. How could we do this all the time? Make fishing fun again? Share our ideas and talents with friends and strangers alike? The wheels had definitely been turning for a while and I think we both needed a little inspiration and The Dirty Oar provided that for us. The boat purchase was easy, but the next steps have been a little more difficult.

In November I filed a trademark licensing application for Dirty Oar Adventures which was accepted by the federal government in late December. While that process was happening, I began designing T-shirts, some of which should be coming to fruition later this Spring. Similarly, I began building this website and Wix made that fairly easy. It still has some work to be done, but it is coming together nicely. Most recently, we purchased another boat, this one to be used primarily on Lake Ontario to catch the various salmonid species present there. Outfitting the boat has been another adventure and work will begin in earnest on the boat in a week or two. We expect to have the boat ready to fish the lake around the second weekend of April. To complete the business cycle, last week I filed for a LLC named Dirty Oar Adventures. All of the sudden we're in business!

Another huge step was the Captain completing his training to become a licensed guide in New York state. We should hear his test results in the next few days, and I expect the river guiding portion of Dirty Oar Adventures to be up and running officially next Fall for salmon season. I honestly couldn't be more proud, the Captain will definitely make fishing fun again for all future clients! I hope to complete the licensing testing in the next several months as well.

The next growth step as been securing the sale of my parents home in Waterville which has allowed me to reinvest some of the proceeds from the sale into a waterfront home located in Catfish Creek, a small inlet about half way between the Salmon River and Oswego on Lake Ontario. Headquatrers, as it will be known, will serve as the home base of Dirty Oar Adventures. I can't wait to share pictures of its location as the waterfront views are breathtaking! Another cool feature is the actual location itself. The house includes deeded access to a dock which is about 100 yards form the inlet of Catfish Creek which places us squarely in the center of outstanding Brown Trout fishing this Spring and close to Nine Mile Point which is a hot spot for Salmon fishing later in the Summer. You can be sure that we will provide up to date fishing reports when we get started!

The final thing I want to mention today is the role of my son in all of this. He's the handsome fellow holding the shark in the picture above. I absolutely cannot wait to share all of this with him! I was just a little younger than he is now when I was introduced to Lake Ontario and I hope to inspire in him the same joy and awe I feel whenever I get the chance to catch some of the magnificent fish the lake has to offer. My father unknowingly ignited a fire in me that has lasted a lifetime, provided countless hours of joy, and most importantly provided me with lifetime skills I may not have otherwise acquired. If I can inspire just a little of that in Calvin I'l consider myself a lucky man. I hope to make him proud of his old man and provide us with a lifetime bonding experience.

Ok, enough for now. Look for more updates on our progress over the next few months!

Tight lines my friends!


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